About Björk

Björk is a clean, simple and fast block theme designed for blogs and personal websites.

It’s simple, clean, and straight to the point. It probably shouldn’t be your first pick if you’re planning on having twenty sub pages or multiple authors, but if all you want is a cosy home on the web with clean layout and good typography, Björk should do the trick.

The best thing is, Björk is a block theme. That means that you can go into the Site Editor and adjust the layout, typography, and pretty much everything else in Björk to your liking. The theme comes bundled with some nifty features to make that easier.

Theme Features

Clean Design

Björk has a crisp and clean design that stands up to scrutiny, but mostly takes a back seat to your content. It’s designed with blogs in mind, but can be used for any type website. Go nuts.

Full Site Editing

Björk is built for WordPress 6.0 and Full Site Editing, so you can change the structure of your header, footer, and all other parts of the theme in the new Site Editor.

Global Styles

Björk also supports Global Styles, which allow you to modify the colors, type and spacing of your site. Not a fan of sans-serifs set on white? Change it to a serif on black, or pretty much anything else.

Style Variations

You can also test one of the eight prebuilt theme styles included in Björk. Select one in the Global Styles panel to change the color scheme and typography of your site with a single click.

Block Patterns

Getting started with Full Site Editing can be daunting. Björk makes it easier by including over 15 block patterns to get you started.

Slim and Fast

Björk is built to load as quickly as possible, with only 15 K of CSS and no JavaScript at all.